Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year People! :) hehe, last year has been a blast but i'm sure this year will be as awesome as last years! :)

Anyway, having to be at my churchs watchnight service last night was pretty different from the others and special in a way. Having to move on from that year was a pretty hard thing to do but I guess the church really grew closer that year and yeah, the youths did too and also the senior citizens. :) I guess God really spoke to everyone of us in a very special way and that is love. "Gods cradle of love for a strong society?" I hope i got that right. haha, I'm trully amazed at what God did and has done for me throughout the whole year. He really showed me what love means and one of it is making sacrifices for the ones you love. For me, having to take the risk and setting aside whats best for God and not for myself is really something that i will always remember to do. God really comforts me and yeah, throughout the experience in having to do NOJ, i found out that God was always there for me, through my ups and downs and also when i'm trying to face my fears of having stage-fright. God has always been my handkerchief in times of need. Nothing can compare to the love God has shown me and blessed me with.

When i was at youth camp last year, i wished that it would be a total blast, and it did happen, but way way way better. :) and it did continue during caroling and the other days after that. I guess my highlight of the year was almost everything. hahaha. *sorry for being greedy here but Everyday seems to be the best day of my life* :) Without God, i will never have become the person i am today. Without him, i will have never been able to move on. Without him, it will always be me, myself and I. Looking back, i am thankful for everything he blessed me with. Good school, a home, my parents, family and friends, being a Christian, having to live in a good country where it is natural phenomena-free and also that we can also speak freely and the list goes on. Yeah, i will never have thought of all the wonderful things he has given me back then without getting close to him, but i'm glad that i did.

Mhmmm...having a special relationship with God and also having to spend time with him is a real blessing. Tho at times we think seeking God is hard, but actually it's not. He is always omni-present. I like sharing my problems with God and that i can hear him telling me that everything is gonna be okay. He is wonderfully made and i'm happy to be made in his image. :) You might think i'm being silly here, but everytime when i shed a tear, it rains. Well, most of the time, when i do, but when it does, i always think of it as God is crying because I am. In a way, it tells me that God feels my pain and that he understands how i feel and that he doesn't want me to cry no more because he will help me to move on. :)

God is a patient and loving God. This year, i feel the strong change in me. I have gotten closer to people, i learn to care and listen to others more, i learn to listen to him during worship sessions and in prayers, through the things around me, through people, through experiences, through non-christian songs and also my thoughts. People say i am an insider, but when at times, i do feel like an outsider too because sometimes i don't fit in. But things have changed now and yeah, God has helped me and showed me that i am part of his life and in others too.

Thank you God for that very special year! This year, i hope and pray that i will become even more and more closer to you God and that i will be able to find time to spend time with you eventho i may be busy studying for SPM. Thank you God for everything. Amen. :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Love is being stupid together

"A part of you has grown in me. And so you see, it's you and me together forever and never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart."

"Falling in love with someone isn't always going to be easy... Anger... tears... laughter.. It's when you want to be together despite it all. That's when you truly love another. I'm sure of it."

"A year, ten years from now, I'll remember this; not why, only that we were here like this, together."

“Two lives, two hearts joined together in friendship united forever in love.”

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”


Time is flying, never to return.

For those who are hurting, for those who are sick and for those whom i love, I give you all HUGGGSSS and know that God is there for you.


Father God, teach me how to love others just the way you do. Help me to accept them for who they are. Father God, what can i do to keep them from hurting? From being hurt by others and for hurting themself. What can i do to reach out to them? Help me also to love and accept myself for who i am before loving others Father God. I pray for those who are hurting, help them to remember you and know that you are with them God, at all times. Help them to share their deepest thoughts with you and know that everything is gonna be alright. Help me to be their handkerchief in times of need too Father God, just as how you are mine when i shed a tear or is feeling useless at times. Thank you for all the times you are with me, in times of need or not, you are always there. Thank you for changing my life and for who I am today. I pray that i can help make a change in other peoples life too Father God.

-writtenwithlove-larissa :)
Just my thoughts.

There are just somethings that people don't know about me. I guess i can never be a person who is really open at everything. At times, i just don't understand what guys/girls are thinking. I don't blame the person who tells me something i might not want to hear and after that asks me if i'm jealous or not, but i blame myself because i don't really know what i want. I already moved on but i guess some people might still think that i'm still the same. Am i just hurting myself? I don't know. Dear God, i pray that you will help me to be a patient person. Help me to focus on you, and not the past. I believe that you have changed me and there's no way i am going back to my old self. Help me to move forward and remember that you are my handkerchief in times of need.

~writtenwithlove-larissa :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hillsong - All for Love

Thank you for your love Father God.


Sadly, YouthCamp 2010 is over, but yet our friendship, love and care for others and also our deepest and closest times spent with God for the past 4 days will always remain in our hearts and will continue to grow, grow and grow.

This years camp really showed me something special. God really spoke to us all by showing his love towards us. His presence was very much with us all throughout camp and every single day. I saw how everyone really changed alot in a better way and yes, we all felt really comfortable with each other. I have to say, i really really do miss camp this much. I miss everything that made it feel like i was in a dream. A really sweet dream. :)

Every sharing, every thought, every lesson, every person, every hug, every smile, every laugh, every sillyness, every peacefulness and every sweet memory will remain in my heart. But most of all, i will always remember to put God as the center of my life and in whatever i do. Thank you God for listening to our prayers. Thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross for us. Thank you for showing us your love. Thank you for calming the storm in me and for always being with me and also all of us. Thank you for your amazing sacrifice and love that changed us all.

I pray that eventhough we are no more in youth camp, but we will still continue to bring praises to your name, put you first in our life, and do the best we can in everything we do for you Father God. I pray that the friendships made will last a lifetime and that we will continue to grow more in love with you day by day. Help us too to prove our love for you, that whatever we preach and say will be done with actions. Actions that will be pleasing to your name and that will to ourselves.

Continue to show us your love Father God because i know you will. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for being the shoulder for me to lean and cry on. Thank you for being my handkerchief that always wipes away the tears i shed yesterday, today and forever. Thank you for the many blessings and times spent with you. Thank you for changing me into the person i am today. Thank you for shaping me in my mothers womb and also for planning the days ahead of me. Thank you for being with me in my ups and downs. Thank you for knowing me even before i was born. Thank you too for loving me for who i am and also for forgiving more than i can count. Thank you God, for everything. Continue to help me seek you Father God in my everyday life. Amen.

ps: Sorry if i keep repeating everything all over and over again. :) Anderson, i believe you for saying that this camp is going to be a blast. You are an awesome frienemy and also the best teacher of my year! :)

~writtenwithlove-larissa~ :)