Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Sadly, YouthCamp 2010 is over, but yet our friendship, love and care for others and also our deepest and closest times spent with God for the past 4 days will always remain in our hearts and will continue to grow, grow and grow.

This years camp really showed me something special. God really spoke to us all by showing his love towards us. His presence was very much with us all throughout camp and every single day. I saw how everyone really changed alot in a better way and yes, we all felt really comfortable with each other. I have to say, i really really do miss camp this much. I miss everything that made it feel like i was in a dream. A really sweet dream. :)

Every sharing, every thought, every lesson, every person, every hug, every smile, every laugh, every sillyness, every peacefulness and every sweet memory will remain in my heart. But most of all, i will always remember to put God as the center of my life and in whatever i do. Thank you God for listening to our prayers. Thank you for sending Jesus to die on the cross for us. Thank you for showing us your love. Thank you for calming the storm in me and for always being with me and also all of us. Thank you for your amazing sacrifice and love that changed us all.

I pray that eventhough we are no more in youth camp, but we will still continue to bring praises to your name, put you first in our life, and do the best we can in everything we do for you Father God. I pray that the friendships made will last a lifetime and that we will continue to grow more in love with you day by day. Help us too to prove our love for you, that whatever we preach and say will be done with actions. Actions that will be pleasing to your name and that will to ourselves.

Continue to show us your love Father God because i know you will. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for being the shoulder for me to lean and cry on. Thank you for being my handkerchief that always wipes away the tears i shed yesterday, today and forever. Thank you for the many blessings and times spent with you. Thank you for changing me into the person i am today. Thank you for shaping me in my mothers womb and also for planning the days ahead of me. Thank you for being with me in my ups and downs. Thank you for knowing me even before i was born. Thank you too for loving me for who i am and also for forgiving more than i can count. Thank you God, for everything. Continue to help me seek you Father God in my everyday life. Amen.

ps: Sorry if i keep repeating everything all over and over again. :) Anderson, i believe you for saying that this camp is going to be a blast. You are an awesome frienemy and also the best teacher of my year! :)

~writtenwithlove-larissa~ :)


  1. It is really encouraging to read what you wrote. God is constantly at work, molding and changing us into who He wants us to be. I am sure that God has great plans in store for you!

  2. haha, thank you for the encouragement buddy. and yes, he does. Amen! :)
