Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Siblings! Well, this is just what i think. :)

A sister is only fierce to her younger brother because she LOVES him. An elder brother is only fierce when both his brother and sister fight. When an elder brother doesn't take action on teaching the younger brother, the sister has to act like the mother in order for the younger brother to listen and be disciplined. When the sister goes out shopping, her brothers act like body guards, following her wherever she goes but also telling her to stop wasting too much money on CLOTHES! Heee *:) An elder brother's shoulder is to cry on for when the sister is in trouble or in pain. A younger brother is to play with eventhough he does fight with you at times and always gets his way.

Whenever you are in trouble, your siblings will always be there to back you up. Siblings are for a lifetime. They are one of the closest family members you will ever have. Siblings are more important than friends because you know you can count on them to do something and also trust them with all your heart. Siblings are not strangers, so let us not treat them like one. Stop fighting and always remember to give in to them for what is only right. For wrong things, do encourange to teach them. Don't hate your siblings for one day, when the time comes, you won't have any to play with no more. You'll be to caught up with your own family and you will only leave bad memories about your own brothers and sisters.

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