Thursday, November 25, 2010

What have i been doing?

Have been working at Aunty Winnie's office for about almost 5 days *including tomorrow*. I'm pretty much exhausted by carrying heavy boxes filled with files all day and also keying all the numbers into the comp. IT'S HARD LABOUR! :'( Luckily I'm not going back there after tomorrow. Phewww... *breathes out* but it's still gonna be a long day because practices for NOJ is BACK! Wheeee, am excited because that is where the FUN BEGINS! ;) I'm pretty upset Bue and PJ can't make it tho. Bue is not feeling well lately and PJ is all caught up in his basketball tournament. Please pray for both of them. For their health and safety. Thank you. :) And hopefully that they will be joining us for youth this Sat, Church on Sunday and also NOJ practice next week. Would be happy if we could all come as a family. :) shoulders are aching. I think i'm gonna have muscles. :( *which is not a good thing for us girls* :'( I have a few small tiny cuts on my hand and me bones are aching so badly. :/
Well, one thing about work tho, i didn't know that there are that many files in a office. :O Goshhh, mountains and mountains of them. :/ I've counted. I did....about 90+ boxes all together if i have not mistaken. PRETTY CRUAZZYYY HUH? Well, now i know that working is hard. It's a tough job! It's not fun when you have piles and piles of files to do. Appreciate for what we teenagers have now. All we have to do now is just study, take exams and meet new friends. :)but above all that, i think it is also a wonderful experience to be living in the life of work because it's actually my first time working and to be honest, I did have fun working with people elder than me and yes, i didn't know too that lawyers could be having as much fun as we do besides going to courts, looking through files and having to meet up with clients and stuff. They still are able to joke around, torture youngsters to do hard labour and also laugh at little tiny things happening around them. I guess having to be the youngest teen there, i was able to learn more from them and also to learn how working life is hard and that it's not easy to earn your own money. I guess being able to work with people helps you to get to know other people more. :) I also got to learn how to earn my own money and that i don't have to count of my parents now that i know how to be responsible and independent too. :) So there is always the good and the bad behind everything. :) Open your eyes and see what God has blessed you with because i know that he does everything for the best for us and i also do encourage us youngsters to work because as far as i can see it, many are doing it now. :) Learn from the best, it's okay if you make mistakes because no one is perfect. :)


  1. So many wonderful lessons about work and all you remember is the hard labour meh? :)

  2. PFFT. :P hahaha, no la. of course not. :D
