Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What i want to say to you...

When two people love each other, their reason won't be because love is blind. God made love the greatest gift of all, for love is not simply given to others but is given with our heart. Love is not forced to be given, they are given freely because you love them. When you tell someone that you love him/her you really meant it from the bottom of your heart. It really means the world to you too when the person feels the same way about you, for if it is the right person, he/she is the one you will love for a lifetime.

I dislike people who tell you that he/she loves you but leaves you once he/she met someone else. Love is not a game. You will only meet your one and only true love in your life. Just like how the wind only blows in one direction. When the wind passes you by, he/she will never return to the place he/she came. Love is a wondeful feeling and is never to be played on. If you don't really love the person, don't use the word love then. Use like. I like you, but if you truely love him/her, make it last forever.

Cofffee is not bitter when it is made by the person who truely loves you-

How much do i love you you ask?
1. I love you more than i am ready to say.
2. I love you more than how much i love my phone.
3. I love you more than just telling it to you.
4. I love you more than expressing it through love songs which are not even my own words.
5. I love you more eventhough we're just friends.
6. I love you more than i hate cats. *does that make sense?*
7. I love you more than she loves you.
8. I love you more than Justin Bieber.
9. I love you more than i love yelling at my brothers. :P
10. I love you more than i text you.
11. I love you more than i love my bed and pillow.
12. I love you more than eating chocolate and ice cream.
13. I love you more than how Bella loves Edward or vice versa.
14. I love you till i would only go to Justin Biebers concert with you.
15. I love you more than drinking starbucks mocha.
16. I love you more than having to meet korean stars. *eventhough i really want to*
17. I love you till i want to go to Korea one day with you.
18. I love you till i want to go on ferris wheels and on hot air balloons with you.
19. I love you more till i can fly up in the sky. *dreams*
20. I love you more than i would like butterflies in my tummy.

ps: if you ask me do i love you this much? i do. :)

will you love me as much as i love you?

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